I'm no fan of Tim Tebow. Never have been. And it has nothing to do with his football abilities. Whether he should or shouldn't get more of a chance to prove he can quarterback in the NFL, I don't have an opinion on. I'll defer to the New York Jets coaching staff and any other team that may be interested in acquiring him, seeing that I'm as qualified at assessing football talent as I am at figuring out the goings-on inside a woman's head. What seems simplistic is often anything but inside the XX chromosomal make-up of the female brain and vice versa.
My less than favorable opinion of Tebow stems from his religious beliefs. Not for what they are but for how he chooses to express them. I don't think anybody questions the sincerity and conviction of Tim's christian beliefs. From what we've learned about Tebow, he's devout in his faith and his charitable and missionary work is quite commendable.
In work and deed, I admire him. When it comes to his spoken word however, not so much. Anytime a camera or a microphone is upon Tebow for strictly football reasons, he will always use it as an opportunity to evangelize. A question about the game? Tebow will first respond by thanking his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Want to give God some free advertising? Paste eye-black stickers on your face with biblical scripture passage numbers written on them. Want millions to watch you repeatedly pray to the Almighty? Strike a genuflecting pose on the football field sideline. And even though there's nothing new or unique about said pose, trademark "Tebowing" as your own. God bless America and its copyright ownership laws.